Contemporary music

As the instrument was first rediscovered, the first Cornett players of our time tried to play its original music so faithful as possible to what they thought it should sound. Now, new generations are experimenting with new sound and effects possibilities to be used in new compositions.

contemporary music projects

Zink Elektro

Check my new work "Un rayon de soleil. Elektro-Zink", where I convine Rennaisance, Catalan Folk and self composed music with the electronics of Feindoer.

Broken Consort

Andreas Arend (*1973),  Kuno Kjærbye (*1959), Katharina Roth (*1990), Hanne Tofte Jespersen (*1956) and Marini, Kapsberger, Palestrina, Cima, Castello, Mayone, Monteverdi